Inspired by the silt clay banks of Norway’s Tronesbekken stream, Lauritz Smith Pedersen was granted permission to establish a “Brickworks and Roof-Tile Factory in Sandnes” in 1782. Using the materials, GamlaVærket (The Old Factory) became a prominent tile production factory. For the next 175 years, GamlaVærket continued to expand its production to over seven new branches. All together, these factories successfully produced and sold fired clay products including, but not limited to, bricks, pots, drainage pipes, and ceramic weights for fishing nets. Today, the building is a magnificent holiday destination tucked away within the winding streets of Sandnes. For centuries, Sandnes was an industrial town filled with clay-producing factories. The city is still a leading commercial center in Norway, and hosts thousands of visitors each year. Guests are certain to adore the abundance of cultural attractions, such as the Sverd i fjell, the Science Museum, Dalsnuten, and the Kongeparken.
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